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Additional Dental Care Services

Laser Dentistry, Sleep Apnea and Teeth Grinding Solutions

Additional dental care services provided by the dentists at the Tecumseh Dental Centre include treatments such as laser dentistry for precision care, sleep apnea management to improve sleep quality, and custom mouth guards to protect against teeth grinding (bruxism).

Laser dentistry is used in our dental office to perform precise, minimally invasive procedures on both soft and hard tissues, offering benefits like reduced discomfort, faster recovery, and enhanced accuracy. Sleep apnea treatments involve dental solutions such as custom oral appliances that reposition the jaw or tongue to keep the airway open during sleep. Mouth guards for teeth grinding are custom-fitted devices designed to protect the teeth and alleviate discomfort, preventing damage to dental structures and reducing jaw strain. These advanced dental care services effectively address complex issues while enhancing patient comfort and improving overall oral health.

Laser Dentistry

Laser Dentistry

Laser dentistry uses advanced laser technology to perform a wide range of dental procedures with precision and minimal discomfort. This innovative approach is suitable for both hard and soft tissue treatments, including cavity treatment, gum therapy, and soft tissue surgery.

For cavity treatment, lasers effectively remove decay and prepare the tooth for a filling. Additionally, dental lasers are employed in cosmetic procedures, such as reshaping gums. The precision of lasers helps to reduce damage to surrounding tissues, often resulting in less pain and faster recovery compared to traditional methods. Lasers also minimize bleeding by cauterizing blood vessels, which can enhance healing. Overall, laser dentistry offers a modern and efficient alternative to conventional dental techniques, improving patient comfort and treatment outcomes.

The dentists at the Tecumseh Dental Centre are highly skilled in laser dentistry, which is suitable for patients of all ages. This advanced technique provides precise and minimally invasive treatments for both children and adults. If you’d like to learn more or schedule an appointment, please contact our dental office in Tecumseh.

Sleep Apnea Treatment

Sleep apnea is a condition where breathing is interrupted or becomes shallow during sleep. Dental solutions for sleep apnea include non-invasive treatments designed to keep the airway open throughout the night.

At the Tecumseh Dental Centre, common treatments for sleep apnea include oral appliances such as mandibular advancement devices and tongue-retaining devices. These devices work by repositioning the jaw or tongue to keep the airway open and prevent obstruction. These dental solutions can offer a more comfortable and convenient alternative to CPAP therapy when medically indicated. Our dental team will customize the oral appliance to fit your unique needs, providing a practical solution to enhance your sleep quality and overall health.

If you suspect you might have sleep apnea, please discuss your concerns with your dentist at the Tecumseh Dental Centre by scheduling an appointment.

Sleep Apnea Treatment
Teeth Grinding Mouth Guard

Teeth Grinding Mouth Guard

Our experienced dentists at the Tecumseh Dental Centre carefully evaluate each patient’s teeth to determine if a mouth guard is a beneficial solution, providing proactive care and discussing any advanced dental options if needed.

Mouth guards for teeth grinding are custom-fitted devices designed to protect teeth and alleviate symptoms associated with bruxism, which is the involuntary grinding or clenching of teeth. These mouth guards are made from durable materials and are tailored to fit precisely, offering protection against tooth wear, damage, and jaw pain. By creating a barrier between the upper and lower teeth, they help prevent damage to dental structures and alleviate muscle strain in the jaw.

Mouth guards can be custom-made by the skilled dental team at the Tecumseh Dental Centre for patients of all ages, providing effective protection for teeth and relief from symptoms of grinding or clenching. New and existing patients are welcome to schedule an appointment with us to get a well-fitted, custom mouth guard.

We encourage you to contact our office to book a dental appointment today.

Our experienced and compassionate dental team is dedicated to addressing all your concerns. By maintaining good oral health, you can enjoy a healthy, beautiful smile for countless years to come.

We accept the Canadian Dental Care Plan (CDCP). Call our office at 519-735-5555 for details and eligibility information.